Zea's Snowboarding Site
A Little Page About Zim
Doodle Chat

Welcome to my snowboarding site!

Ok, this site is almost BRAND NEW, so I don't have much. I don't know of any real good snowboarding sites, so I can't give you many links..well, I hope you like my site anyway!!

About Zea:

Real 1st name:Kira

Obsessed with:INVADER ZIM!!!!!! check out me and my friend, Zol's, other web site dedicated to Zim at https://zol89.tripod.com/zeaandzolszimsite/id8.html

Times ever gone snowboarding:once....I'm pathetic

Plans for this winter:my town has a ski/snowboard program that I go to every year, and this time I'm going to take snowboarding lessons instead of skiing. Look on the bottom of the page for news.

age, gender, blah blah blah:12, female, I live in New York.

Winter sports I like:snowboarding, & skiing

Summer sports I like:swimming, roller blading, skateboarding(I'm not that good at that either)

Wants to know:Can someone PLEASE explain to me what the names of all the snowboarding tricks are??

Ok, I'm done. If you can tell me about those snowboarding tricks, just e-mail me at kencarol@mhcable.com or write a little note to me on the doodle chat.

WEEEEEEEEE!!!!! Click on the dude to go to snowboardingusa. That's where I got most of the pics from.

BIG AIR!!!!!!

I hope to update this page often with new photos.

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What's New?

Zea got her first snowboard helmet for $70! Better start saving up money to pay dad back...I only have 20!